Friday, May 6, 2016

Hypnosis to Overcome Addictions

How Hypnosis Helps You Overcome Addictions

There is a saying on my website (, “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” This is true, but just knowing it doesn’t stop you from hurting. Whether your addiction is to a substance, a person or a behavior, the emotional pain feels sharp as a knife.

That is because physical pain and emotional pain are experienced in the same part of the brain. So, when you suffer emotional disruption your pain receptors light up as if you were sliced open.
If you believe, as I do, that all addictions are a misguided attempt to soothe emotional pain and distress, then you will understand that finding a way to be with your pain, allowing it to pass and resolving it internally is the path to emotional freedom, wholeness and freedom from addiction.

This is where hypnotherapy is at its most effective. The latest neuroscience shows that the brain continues to grow new circuitry throughout a person’s lifespan. When hypnosis is conducted by a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist such as myself, it can be used to bypass the critical mind and access the subconscious. Then it can help to ‘rewire’ the underlying pain, or root cause, of addiction and allow for a more loving and expansive life. In essence, once the cause is removed or reconsolidated in the bodymind you are simply reacting differently and the addiction falls away. 

The hypnosis and nlp techniques available today employ clinical hypnotherapy practices that empower you to tap into the bodymind connection and clear the root cause of your internal suffering. Clinical hypnotherapy frees you from the chains of addiction because, you have the answers within you and a qualified hypnotherapist will be able to guide you to the answers you seek.

To learn more about Beth A. Snyder, Clinical Hypnotherapist in Sarasota, FL visit There you will find free resources and information to help you stop smoking with hypnosis, overcome addiction with hypnosis, lose weight with hypnosis and enjoy a more joyful, content and peaceful life. 

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